Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Catch Up

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't written anything for about two months now. I'm a bad blogger I've discovered. I think maybe it's because I write in my journal almost every day, so I forget about this blog. BUT, my right wrist has been hurting on and off a lot lately. And especially now that I'm in school again I feel like I'm working overtime and straining it a lot more than I probably should. So I'm going to try and write more on my blog than in my journal so I won't strain my wrist any further. I think it's a good plan... unless I don't write on here for two more months, haha! 

Anyway what has been going on in my life? Well the end of the summer consisted of going to Texas and hangin' with family:) It was so fun, and my cousin Jessica came down!! I hadn't seen her in if I remember right, six years! It was so great to see her again! I love her so much:) There are some pictures I compiled into a collage below with some of the pictures I took while down there... well mine and some of my mom's. (If you click on the image it should get bigger.)

Okay so fast forward a month and I moved into Wolverine Crossing! Yep, I am now a resident of Orem, and "on my own"... well If you want to say that. My family is only thirty or so minutes away, so I can go home whenever I want, which I LOVE. But it's still hard to be away from them constantly. They were all I had for the past three years we've lived here... My mom, dad, sister and brother are the most important people in my life and I'm glad I'm so close to them. Some people might think it's weird to be so close to your family, but I think it's awesome to be close to your family members. I mean, honestly, when the world is falling apart they will always be there by your side. I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful family! I love them with all of my heart and wouldn't put them below anything or anyone. Sorry for going off track a bit, haha, but it needed to be said:) So onto the present day.

I'm in college as of right now, going back to UVU for my sophomore year. It's really weird to think a year has already past! Hopefully I'll only need two and a half more and I'll be graduated... hopefully! My classes this semester include the following:
Monday and Wednesday I have 2D design from 11:30-2:00 then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have Math at 11:00-12:40 then an Institute class from 2:30-3:20 and finally Digital Imaging from 5:00-7:50... oh yeah and an online Health class... which I haven't started yet.... procrastination: 1 Leanna: 0
Anyway there is my schedule for college, a total of 12 credits. It isn't so bad everything is going pretty smoothly.. that is except for math, because I hate math... other than that though, it is fine. I'm just truckin' on through, trying to keep everything balance which is pretty hard to be honest. For example, yesterday in my 2D design class we were given a new project and tomorrow we are having a progress critique. so tonight, after my Digital Imaging class finally got out, I got working on some 2D design stuff because I felt obligated to do so. Unfortunately I felt rushed and now I feel like it looks like crap and I'm nervous someone else will think so as well. It's annoying, but that's life I suppose.... wait where was I going with this? I have no idea, maybe you can figure it out.

Well I better get going. It's almost 10:30 and if you couldn't tell, I'm pretty tired... especially after staring at small exacto knife cuts for an hour and a half making sure they were as perfect as they could be.. my eyes need a break. But I'll leave you with a funny story from last Monday at my ward's family home evening (FHE). Enjoy, and I'll talk to you later!!

I just want to say that I hate dodgeball.... I will never ever ever play it again for as long as I live!!! 

It all started when I was younger in elementary school. On PE days we'd play dodgeball every now and again, you know one of the typical "sports" you'd play in PE. Everyone loved playing it in elementary... that is everyone except for me. Why? Well I was so good at dodging the balls I'd always be the very last one standing against about half of the other team, ALWAYS. It was so scary if the other side had all the balls and so annoying because I was the last one left once again. 

I think the reason I was so good at dodging the dodgeballs was because of Wade. Hahaha! But seriously! We used to have a trampoline in our backyard in Texas and Krista, my sister, Wade and I would play don't touch the balls on the trampoline and put every single ball we had on the tramp and jump around them. If a ball touched you were out and you had to get off of the tramp. Once you were off you could pick up the fallen balls and throw them at whoever was left on the tramp. So if you understand right, I had A LOT of dodgeball practice, hahaha! 

Anyway the whole point of this story is I never played dodgeball again once I left elementary school because I hated being the only one left every single game. So I stopped playing.... Until last Monday. Yes. Last Monday night for FHE my ward played dodgeball. I sat out the entire time because I knew I'd be the last one standing if I decided to play. About four games in, they redid the teams and soon they were ready to play another game. I continued sitting on the sidelines, perfectly content may I add, when a guy who I had never met before asked if I wanted to play. I quickly said no, but he kept bugging me to play even after I kindly said no at least three more times. So I decided to break my non dodgeball playing oath and play one game. I told the guy who still didn't introduce himself that I was going to be the last one standing and I have the worst arm in the world so I'm going to be helpless and we will lost the game, but he only laughed and said, "I doubt that." Well the game started and can you guess what happened? YEP I was the LAST one on our side, just like old times. Except this time it wasn't against the small elementary aged kids, but full grown strong men who were aiming deflated volleyballs at me... it was honestly pretty scary, haha. We lost that game. I was behind the sidelines behind the basketball goal trying to leave because I was not about to play again. Then that guy who made me play the first time told me I should play again. I was just about to say no when the game started and people started throwing balls at me, so I dodged them and BAM I was playing again. I thought to myself maybe I could purposely get hit, but I couldn't bring myself to it since I knew the balls they were playing with really packed a punch. So I just dodged them and soon enough I was the last one on my side again.... we lost again. hahahaha. Before the next game started I hurried OUT off the court and sat on the ground by my friends Sheldon and Tori. And that is where I vowed I'd never play dodgeball EVER again even if someone tires to get me to play over and over again. I seriously have a dodgeball curse. hahaha


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