Thursday, April 10, 2008

Strawberry Fields

This post is from 2008 and today it's July 6, 2012. I'm cleaning out my blog so I can restart from this year on, but once I came across this miracle I couldn't delete it. It's one of my uncle Travis' first videos, so enjoy even if it is a little rough:)

Original post from 2008:

Travis made this video during Spring break when we went strawberry picking, and I LOVE it!!! My Grandma Rachel loved picking the strawberries, but for me it got boring after the third bucket. Unfortunately, my grandma didn't think there were enough and that we should pick as many as we could, we were there for like TWO whole hours!! so we went home with at least seven to eight buckets full of strawberries!! when we got back home and my grandma started washing them off, she looked at all of them and said, " I think I got one to many!"hahahahaha! well anyway, here is a video of us at the strawberry field... Enjoy! :)


Lauren Harris said...

It is so funny! I'm going to watch it again!

Rachel Harris :D said...

I wish i had that on my blogspot!It's awesome! :)